Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Victorian Christmas After All?

It seems that this fall/winter is the season that sees me finish projects I started last year at the same time.  Which means the projects that I started this fall/winter will probably be finished next year.  I can live with it!

When cleaning my sewing room the friday after Thanksgiving, fussy and discontented with all my current projects being in the mockup/fitting stage, I came across a natural form-era gown that I had painstakingly patterned, fit, and cut last year.  I had put it to the side because it is an exercise in shirring, and I didn't feel ready for it until now.
 It turns out, hand gathering is the perfect thing to do at the table by the fire with guests for the whole weekend.  I based the gown on the fan-front bodice by Truly Victorian made to the lines of a long 1880 cuirasse bodice.  It is in a sheer, moss-gold-green poly chiffon, which was almost too cheap to mention (it was leftover from wedding decor and I was broke) but I believe will give a good effect overall.

Experimenting with draping paniers.

The bright green underskirt/lining will be completely covered by the chiffon; oddly enough, this was the only backing that I felt brought out the 'true color' of the sheer fabric.

Tape has been stitched to the shirring in the back train where it isn't fully lined.
My main design questions are the direction of shirring on the skirt: Vertical like this:
Mody Paryzkie 1879.: Concert dress with panier and long train with ricsh mousseline balayeuse.:

Or horizontal like this? (on the left)
The Season 1883:

OR horizontal with poofs like the one on the right below?

Revue de la Mode 1881:

Honestly, I might just go with whatever seems less time consuming, since I now have the slightest hope of a new gown for this year's Victorian Christmas Tea on the 17th! (Can totally do this...)

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